OSCE and UNECE join forces in enhancing cyber resilience of intelligent transport systems

The OSCE and the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) held a roundtable discussion on enhancing cyber resilience of intelligent transport systems for both private and public sectors on 8 September 2020 in Geneva.
Discussions focused on the various types of cyber threats posed to intelligent transport systems, and methodologies available to governments to address critical security risks.
“Given the complexity and vulnerability of intelligent transport systems to cyberattacks, it is important to develop a coherent security approach involving co-operative efforts of the international community as well as both the public and private sectors,” said Eni Gjergji, Economic Advisor in the Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities.
Over 100 representatives of ministries of transport and other relevant agencies, cyber security experts from the automotive, IT and telecommunication sectors from the Euro-Asian region participated. Participants took stock of the various types of emerging risks and threats to intelligent transport systems in view of digitalization processes, enhanced inter-connectivity of vehicle and transport infrastructure IT systems and automation.
François E. Guichard, Secretary of the Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles, UNECE Sustainable Transport Division, said that the security of intelligent transport systems would benefit from the recently adopted UN Regulation on cyber security, which introduces stringent requirements that manufacturers of different types of vehicles (cars, vans, trucks, buses, trailers, etc.) will have to comply.
“We are pleased to observe that the adoption of this Regulation is already stimulating the development of the cyber security ecosystem that is needed to address those risks, given the increased connectivity and complexity of vehicles and of the technologies delivering ITS,” said Guichard.
Ways of capturing the benefits of new technologies without compromising the safety and other progresses achieved during the last decade in the inland transport systems were also discussed.